+++ title = "A new isotropic and decoupled 6-dof parallel manipulator" author = ["Thomas Dehaeze"] draft = false +++ Tags : [Stewart Platforms]({{< relref "stewart_platforms" >}}) Reference : ([Legnani et al. 2012](#orgb569080)) Author(s) : Legnani, G., Fassi, I., Giberti, H., Cinquemani, S., & Tosi, D. Year : 2012 - Concepts of isotropy and decoupling for parallel manipulators - **isotropy**: the kinetostatic properties (same applicable force, same possible velocity, same stiffness) are identical in all directions (e.g. cubic configuration for Stewart platform) - **decoupling**: each DoF of the end effector can be controlled by a **single** actuator (not the case for the Stewart platform) Example of generated isotropic manipulator (not decoupled). {{< figure src="/ox-hugo/legnani12_isotropy_gen.png" caption="Figure 1: Location of the leg axes using an isotropy generator" >}} {{< figure src="/ox-hugo/legnani12_generated_isotropy.png" caption="Figure 2: Isotropic configuration" >}} ## Bibliography {#bibliography} Legnani, G., I. Fassi, H. Giberti, S. Cinquemani, and D. Tosi. 2012. “A New Isotropic and Decoupled 6-Dof Parallel Manipulator.” _Mechanism and Machine Theory_ 58 (nil):64–81. .