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@@ -58,20 +59,45 @@ The presented development approach is foreseen to be applied more frequently to
See cite:dehaeze18_sampl_stabil_for_tomog_exper.
#+name: fig:nass_concept_schematic
#+attr_latex: :scale 1
#+caption: Nano Active Stabilization System - Schematic representation. 1) micro-station, 2) nano-hexapod, 3) sample, 4) metrology system
#+name: fig:nass_mechatronics_approach
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#+caption: Overview of the mechatronic approach
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+ \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.25\linewidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.7\linewidth]{figs/mass_spring_damper_hac_lac.pdf}
+ \caption{\label{fig:mass_spring_damper_hac_lac} Mass Spring Damper model}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.48\linewidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{figs/nass_simscape_3d.png}
+ \caption{\label{fig:nass_simscape_3d} Multi Body model}
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+ \hfill
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+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{figs/super_element_simscape_alt.pdf}
+ \caption{\label{fig:super_element_simscape} Finite Element Model}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hfill
+ \caption{\label{fig:nass_models}Models used during all the design process. From (\subref{fig:mass_spring_damper_hac_lac}), (\subref{fig:nass_simscape_3d}), (\subref{fig:super_element_simscape})}
+ \centering
#+name: fig:nano_hexapod_elements
@@ -79,12 +105,59 @@ See cite:dehaeze18_sampl_stabil_for_tomog_exper.
#+caption: CAD view of the nano-hexapod with key elements
+#+name: fig:picture_nano_hexapod_strut
+#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
+#+caption: Picture of a nano-hexapod's strut
+#+name: fig:nano_hexapod_picture
+#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
+#+caption: Picture of the Nano-Hexapod on top of the ID31 micro-station
-#+name: fig:nass_hac_lac_schematic
-#+attr_latex: :float multicolumn :width \linewidth
-#+caption: HAC-LAC Strategy - Block Diagram
+#+name: fig:test_bench_apa_schematic
+#+attr_latex: :scale 1
+#+caption: Schematic of the bench used to identify the APA dynamics
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+ \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.48\linewidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{figs/apa_test_bench_results_de.pdf}
+ \caption{\label{fig:apa_test_bench_results_de} Encoder}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.48\linewidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{figs/apa_test_bench_results_Vs.pdf}
+ \caption{\label{fig:apa_test_bench_results_Vs} Force Sensor}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \caption{\label{fig:apa_test_bench_results}Measured Frequency Response functions compared with the Simscape model. From the actuator stacks voltage to the encoder (\subref{fig:apa_test_bench_results_de}) and to the force sensor stack (\subref{fig:apa_test_bench_results_Vs}).}
+ \centering
+#+name: fig:nass_hac_lac_schematic_test
+#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
+#+caption: HAC-LAC Strategy - Block Diagram. The signals are: $\bm{r}$ the wanted sample's position, $\bm{X}$ the measured sample's position, $\bm{\epsilon}_{\mathcal{X}}$ the sample's position error, $\bm{\epsilon}_{\mathcal{L}}$ the sample position error expressed in the "frame" of the nano-hexapod struts, $\bm{u}$ the generated DAC voltages applied to the voltage amplifiers and then to the piezoelectric actuator stacks, $\bm{u}^\prime$ the new inputs corresponding to the damped plant, $\bm{\tau}$ the measured sensor stack voltages. $\bm{T}$ is . $\bm{K}_{\tiny IFF}$ is the Low Authority Controller used for active damping. $\bm{K}_{\mathcal{L}}$ is the High Authority Controller.
+#+name: fig:nano_hexapod_identification_comp_simscape
+#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
+#+caption: Measured FRF and Simscape identified dynamics.
+#+name: fig:nano_hexapod_identification_damp_comp_simscape
+#+attr_latex: :width \linewidth
+#+caption: Undamped and Damped plant using IFF (measured FRF and Simscape model).
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\author{T. Dehaeze\textsuperscript{1,}\thanks{thomas.dehaeze@esrf.fr}, J. Bonnefoy, ESRF, Grenoble, France \\ C. Collette\textsuperscript{1}, Université Libre de Bruxelles, BEAMS department, Brussels, Belgium \\ \textsuperscript{1}also at Precision Mechatronics Laboratory, University of Liege, Belgium}
@@ -31,12 +32,12 @@ The presented development approach is foreseen to be applied more frequently to
See \cite{dehaeze18_sampl_stabil_for_tomog_exper}.
@@ -44,16 +45,40 @@ See \cite{dehaeze18_sampl_stabil_for_tomog_exper}.
\caption{\label{fig:nass_concept_schematic}Nano Active Stabilization System - Schematic representation. 1) micro-station, 2) nano-hexapod, 3) sample, 4) metrology system}
\caption{\label{fig:nass_mechatronics_approach}Overview of the mechatronic approach}
+ \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.25\linewidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.7\linewidth]{figs/mass_spring_damper_hac_lac.pdf}
+ \caption{\label{fig:mass_spring_damper_hac_lac} Mass Spring Damper model}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.48\linewidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{figs/nass_simscape_3d.png}
+ \caption{\label{fig:nass_simscape_3d} Multi Body model}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.25\linewidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{figs/super_element_simscape_alt.pdf}
+ \caption{\label{fig:super_element_simscape} Finite Element Model}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hfill
+ \caption{\label{fig:nass_models}Models used during all the design process. From (\subref{fig:mass_spring_damper_hac_lac}), (\subref{fig:nass_simscape_3d}), (\subref{fig:super_element_simscape})}
+ \centering
@@ -61,20 +86,71 @@ See \cite{dehaeze18_sampl_stabil_for_tomog_exper}.
\caption{\label{fig:nano_hexapod_elements}CAD view of the nano-hexapod with key elements}
-\caption{\label{fig:nass_hac_lac_schematic}HAC-LAC Strategy - Block Diagram}
+\caption{\label{fig:picture_nano_hexapod_strut}Picture of a nano-hexapod's strut}
+\caption{\label{fig:nano_hexapod_picture}Picture of the Nano-Hexapod on top of the ID31 micro-station}
+\caption{\label{fig:test_bench_apa_schematic}Schematic of the bench used to identify the APA dynamics}
+ \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.48\linewidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{figs/apa_test_bench_results_de.pdf}
+ \caption{\label{fig:apa_test_bench_results_de} Encoder}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \hfill
+ \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.48\linewidth}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=0.95\linewidth]{figs/apa_test_bench_results_Vs.pdf}
+ \caption{\label{fig:apa_test_bench_results_Vs} Force Sensor}
+ \end{subfigure}
+ \caption{\label{fig:apa_test_bench_results}Measured Frequency Response functions compared with the Simscape model. From the actuator stacks voltage to the encoder (\subref{fig:apa_test_bench_results_de}) and to the force sensor stack (\subref{fig:apa_test_bench_results_Vs}).}
+ \centering
+\caption{\label{fig:nass_hac_lac_schematic_test}HAC-LAC Strategy - Block Diagram. The signals are: \(\bm{r}\) the wanted sample's position, \(\bm{X}\) the measured sample's position, \(\bm{\epsilon}_{\mathcal{X}}\) the sample's position error, \(\bm{\epsilon}_{\mathcal{L}}\) the sample position error expressed in the ``frame'' of the nano-hexapod struts, \(\bm{u}\) the generated DAC voltages applied to the voltage amplifiers and then to the piezoelectric actuator stacks, \(\bm{u}^\prime\) the new inputs corresponding to the damped plant, \(\bm{\tau}\) the measured sensor stack voltages. \(\bm{T}\) is . \(\bm{K}_{\tiny IFF}\) is the Low Authority Controller used for active damping. \(\bm{K}_{\mathcal{L}}\) is the High Authority Controller.}
+\caption{\label{fig:nano_hexapod_identification_comp_simscape}Measured FRF and Simscape identified dynamics.}
+\caption{\label{fig:nano_hexapod_identification_damp_comp_simscape}Undamped and Damped plant using IFF (measured FRF and Simscape model).}
This research was made possible by a grant from the FRIA.
We thank the following people for their support, without whose help this work would never have been possible: V. Honkimaki, L. Ducotte and M. Lessourd and the whole team of the Precision Mechatronic Laboratory.
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url = {https://doi.org/10.1088/2631-8695/abe803},
month = {Feb},
+ author = {Rankers, Adrian Mathias},
+ school = {University of Twente},
+ title = {Machine dynamics in mechatronic systems: An engineering
+ approach.},
+ year = 1998,
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diff --git a/tikz/figs-tikz/nass_concept_schematic.svg b/tikz/figs-tikz/nass_concept_schematic.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b12d950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tikz/figs-tikz/nass_concept_schematic.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,1444 @@
diff --git a/tikz/figs-tikz/nass_simscape_no_sample.png b/tikz/figs-tikz/nass_simscape_no_sample.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c9ac35
Binary files /dev/null and b/tikz/figs-tikz/nass_simscape_no_sample.png differ
diff --git a/tikz/figs-tikz/simscape_nass.png b/tikz/figs-tikz/simscape_nass.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e0a330
Binary files /dev/null and b/tikz/figs-tikz/simscape_nass.png differ
diff --git a/tikz/figures.org b/tikz/figures.org
index 65b545f..1950656 100644
--- a/tikz/figures.org
+++ b/tikz/figures.org
@@ -114,160 +114,170 @@
-* Schematic Representation - NASS
-#+begin_src latex :file nass_concept_schematic.pdf
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- % Parameters
- \def\blockw{6.0cm}
- \def\blockh{1.2cm}
+* HAC-LAC Representation (two columns)
+#+begin_src latex :file nass_hac_lac_block_diagram.pdf
+\graphicspath{ {/home/thomas/Cloud/thesis/papers/dehaeze21_mechatronics_approach_nass/tikz/figs-tikz} }
- % Translation Stage
- \begin{scope}
- % Translation Stage - fixed part
- \draw[fill=black!40] (-0.5*\blockw, 0) coordinate[](tyb) rectangle (0.5*\blockw, 0.15*\blockh);
- \coordinate[] (measposbot) at (0.5*\blockw, 0);
+ \node[inner sep=3pt, fill=white, draw] (plant) at (0, 0)
+ {\includegraphics[width=4.5cm]{nass_concept_schematic.pdf}};
- % Tilt
- \path[] ([shift=(-120:4*\blockh)]0, 4.9*\blockh) coordinate(beginarc) arc (-120:-110:4*\blockh) %
- -- ([shift=(-70:4*\blockh)]0, 4.9*\blockh) arc (-70:-60:4*\blockh)%
- |- ++(-0.15*\blockw, 0.6*\blockh) coordinate (spindlene)%
- |- ($(beginarc) + (0.15*\blockw, 0.2*\blockh)$) coordinate (spindlesw) -- ++(0, 0.4*\blockh) coordinate(tiltte) -| cycle;
+ \coordinate[] (outputf) at ($(plant.south east)!0.75!(plant.north east)$);
+ \coordinate[] (outputx) at ($(plant.south east)!0.25!(plant.north east)$);
- % Spindle
- \coordinate[] (spindlese) at (spindlesw-|spindlene);
- \draw[fill=black!30] ($(spindlese)+(-0.1,0.1)+(-0.1*\blockw, 0)$) -| ($(spindlene)+(-0.1, 0)$) -| coordinate[pos=0.25](spindletop) ($(spindlesw)+(0.1,0.1)$) -| ++(0.1*\blockw, -\blockh) -| coordinate[pos=0.25](spindlebot) cycle;
+ \node[block, left=0.6 of plant] (amp) {Amplifier};
+ \node[DAC, left=0.6 of amp] (dac) {DAC};
+ \node[ADC] (adc) at ($(plant.north-|dac) + (0, 0.2)$) {ADC};
+ \node[addb, left=0.6 of dac] (addu) {};
+ \node[block, above=0.4 of addu] (Kiff) {$\bm{K}_{\mathcal{L}}$};
+ \node[block, left=0.6 of addu] (Kl) {$\bm{K}_{\mathcal{X}}$};
+ \node[block, left=0.6 of Kl] (J) {$\bm{J}$};
+ \node[block, left=0.6 of J] (pos_error) {Pos. Err.};
- \draw[dashed, color=black!60] ($(spindletop)+(0, 0.2)$) -- ($(spindlebot)+(0,-0.2)$);
+ \draw[->] (outputf) -- ++(0.2, 0)node[branch]{} |- (adc.east);
+ \draw[->] (outputf) --node[midway, below]{$\bm{\tau}_m$} ++(0.8, 0);
+ \draw[->] (outputx) -- ++(0.2, 0)node[branch]{} |- ($(plant.south)+(0, -0.2)$) -| (pos_error.south);
+ \draw[->] (outputx) --node[midway, above]{$\bm{\mathcal{X}}_m$} ++(0.8, 0);
- % Tilt
- \draw[fill=black!60] ([shift=(-120:4*\blockh)]0, 4.9*\blockh) coordinate(beginarc) arc (-120:-110:4*\blockh) %
- -- ([shift=(-70:4*\blockh)]0, 4.9*\blockh) arc (-70:-60:4*\blockh)%
- |- ++(-0.15*\blockw, 0.6*\blockh) coordinate (spindlene)%
- |- ($(beginarc) + (0.15*\blockw, 0.2*\blockh)$) coordinate (spindlesw) -- ++(0, 0.4*\blockh) -| cycle;
- % Translation Stage - mobile part
- \draw[fill=black!10, fill opacity=0.5] (-0.5*\blockw, 0.2*\blockh) -- (-0.5*\blockw, 1.5*\blockh) coordinate[](tyt) -- (0.5*\blockw, 1.5*\blockh) -- (0.5*\blockw, 0.2*\blockh) -- (0.35*\blockw, 0.2*\blockh) -- (0.35*\blockw, 0.8*\blockh) -- (-0.35*\blockw, 0.8*\blockh) -- (-0.35*\blockw, 0.2*\blockh) -- cycle;
- % Translation Guidance
- \draw[dashed, color=black!60] ($(-0.5*\blockw, 0)+( 0.075*\blockw,0.5*\blockh)$) circle (0.2*\blockh);
- \draw[dashed, color=black!60] ($( 0.5*\blockw, 0)+(-0.075*\blockw,0.5*\blockh)$) circle (0.2*\blockh);
- % Tilt Guidance
- \draw[dashed, color=black!60] ([shift=(-110:4*\blockh)]0, 4.8*\blockh) arc (-110:-120:4*\blockh);
- \draw[dashed, color=black!60] ([shift=( -70:4*\blockh)]0, 4.8*\blockh) arc (-70:-60:4*\blockh);
- \end{scope}
- % Micro-Hexapod
- \begin{scope}[shift={(spindletop)}]
- % Parameters definitions
- \def\baseh{0.2*\blockh} % Height of the base
- \def\naceh{0.2*\blockh} % Height of the nacelle
- \def\baser{0.22*\blockw} % Radius of the base
- \def\nacer{0.18*\blockw} % Radius of the nacelle
- \def\armr{0.2*\blockh} % Radius of the arms
- \def\basearmborder{0.2}
- \def\nacearmborder{0.2}
- \def\xnace{0} \def\ynace{\blockh-\naceh} \def\anace{0}
- \def\xbase{0} \def\ybase{0} \def\abase{0}
- % Hexapod1
- \begin{scope}[shift={(\xbase, \ybase)}, rotate=\abase]
- % Base
- \draw[fill=white] (-\baser, 0) coordinate[](uhexabot) rectangle (\baser, \baseh);
- \coordinate[] (armbasel) at (-\baser+\basearmborder+\armr, \baseh);
- \coordinate[] (armbasec) at (0, \baseh);
- \coordinate[] (armbaser) at (\baser-\basearmborder-\armr, \baseh);
- % Nacelle1
- \begin{scope}[shift={(\xnace, \ynace)}, rotate=\anace]
- \draw[fill=white] (-\nacer, 0) rectangle (\nacer, \naceh);
- \coordinate[] (uhexatop) at (0, \naceh);
- \coordinate[] (armnacel) at (-\nacer+\nacearmborder+\armr, 0);
- \coordinate[] (armnacec) at (0, 0);
- \coordinate[] (armnacer) at (\nacer-\nacearmborder-\armr, 0);
- \end{scope}
- % Nacelle1 END
- \draw[] (armbasec) -- (armnacer);
- \draw[] (armbasec) -- (armnacel);
- \draw[] (armbasel) -- (armnacel);
- \draw[] (armbasel) -- (armnacec);
- \draw[] (armbaser) -- (armnacec);
- \draw[] (armbaser) -- (armnacer);
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- % NASS
- \begin{scope}[shift={(uhexatop)}]
- % Parameters definitions
- \def\baseh{0.1*\blockh} % Height of the base
- \def\naceh{0.1*\blockh} % Height of the nacelle
- \def\baser{0.16*\blockw} % Radius of the base
- \def\nacer{0.14*\blockw} % Radius of the nacelle
- \def\armr{0.1*\blockh} % Radius of the arms
- \def\basearmborder{0.2}
- \def\nacearmborder{0.2}
- \def\xnace{0} \def\ynace{0.6*\blockh-\naceh} \def\anace{0}
- \def\xbase{0} \def\ybase{0} \def\abase{0}
- % Hexapod1
- \begin{scope}[shift={(\xbase, \ybase)}, rotate=\abase]
- % Base
- \draw[fill=red!50!black] (-\baser, 0) coordinate[](nhexabot) rectangle (\baser, \baseh);
- \coordinate[] (armbasel) at (-\baser+\basearmborder+\armr, \baseh);
- \coordinate[] (armbasec) at (0, \baseh);
- \coordinate[] (armbaser) at (\baser-\basearmborder-\armr, \baseh);
- % Nacelle1
- \begin{scope}[shift={(\xnace, \ynace)}, rotate=\anace]
- \draw[fill=red!50!black] (-\nacer, 0) rectangle (\nacer, \naceh);
- \coordinate[] (nhexatop) at (0, \naceh);
- \coordinate[] (armnacel) at (-\nacer+\nacearmborder+\armr, 0);
- \coordinate[] (armnacec) at (0, 0);
- \coordinate[] (armnacer) at (\nacer-\nacearmborder-\armr, 0);
- \coordinate[] (measpostop) at (\nacer, \naceh);
- \end{scope}
- % Nacelle1 END
- \draw[color=red!50!black] (armbasec) -- (armnacer);
- \draw[color=red!50!black] (armbasec) -- (armnacel);
- \draw[color=red!50!black] (armbasel) -- (armnacel);
- \draw[color=red!50!black] (armbasel) -- (armnacec);
- \draw[color=red!50!black] (armbaser) -- (armnacec);
- \draw[color=red!50!black] (armbaser) -- (armnacer);
- % Force actuator
- \coordinate[] (nassfbot) at (0.8*\baser, \baseh);
- \coordinate[] (nassftop) at (armnacec-|nassfbot);
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- % Sample
- \begin{scope}[shift={(nhexatop)}]
- \draw[fill=white] (-0.1*\blockw, 0) coordinate[](samplebot) rectangle coordinate[pos=0.5](samplecenter) (0.1*\blockw, \blockh) coordinate[](sampletop);
- \end{scope}
- % Laser
- \begin{scope}[shift={(samplecenter)}]
- \draw[color=red, -<-=0.5] (samplecenter) node[circle, fill=red, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=3pt]{} -- node[midway, above, color=black]{X-ray} ($(samplecenter)+(0.5*\blockw,0)$);
- \end{scope}
- %% Measurement
- \draw[dashed, color=black!50] (measposbot) -- ++(0.8,0) coordinate (measposbotend);
- \draw[dashed, color=black!50] (measpostop) -- (measpostop-|measposbotend) coordinate (measpostopend);
- \draw[<->, dashed] ($(measposbotend)+(-0.2, 0)$) -- node[midway, left](d){$d$} ($(measpostopend)+(-0.2, 0)$);
- %% Control
- \draw[<->, line width=0.5pt] (nassfbot) -- node[midway, right](F){$F$} (nassftop);
- \node[draw, block={2.3em}{1.7em}, right=0.3 of F] (K){$K$};
- \draw[->] (d.west) -| ($(K.east)+(0.5, 0)$) -- (K.east);
- \draw[->] (K.west) -- (F.east);
- \end{tikzpicture}
+ \draw[->] (pos_error.east) -- node[midway, above]{$\bm{\epsilon}_{\mathcal{X}}$} (J.west);
+ \draw[->] (J.east) -- node[midway, above]{$\bm{\epsilon}_{\mathcal{L}}$} (Kl.west);
+ \draw[->] (Kl.east) -- node[midway, above]{$\bm{u}^\prime$} (addu.west);
+ \draw[->] (addu.east) -- node[midway, above]{$\bm{u}$} (dac.west);
+ \draw[->] (dac.east) -- (amp.west);
+ \draw[->] (amp.east) -- (plant.west);
+ \draw[->] (adc.west) -| (Kiff.north);
+ \draw[->] (Kiff.south) -- (addu.north);
+ \draw[<-] (pos_error.west) -- node[midway, above]{$\bm{r}_\mu$} ++(-0.8, 0);
+* HAC-LAC alternative (one column)
+#+begin_src latex :file nass_hac_lac_block_diagram_without_elec.pdf
+\graphicspath{ {/home/thomas/Cloud/thesis/papers/dehaeze21_mechatronics_approach_nass/tikz/figs-tikz} }
+ % Plant
+ \node[inner sep=3pt, fill=white, draw] (plant) at (0, 0)
+ {\includegraphics[width=4cm]{nass_concept_schematic.pdf}};
+ % Plant outputs
+ \coordinate[] (outputf) at ($(plant.south east)!0.8!(plant.north east)$);
+ \coordinate[] (outputx) at ($(plant.south east)!0.2!(plant.north east)$);
+ % Blocks
+ \node[addb, left=0.6 of plant] (addu) {};
+ \node[block, above=0.4 of addu] (Kiff) {$\bm{K}_{\text{\tiny IFF}}$};
+ \node[block, left=1.0 of addu] (Kl) {$\bm{K}_{\mathcal{L}}$};
+ \node[block, left=0.6 of Kl] (J) {$\bm{J}$};
+ \node[addb={+}{}{}{}{-}, left=0.6 of J] (pos_error) {};
+ % Lines
+ \draw[->] (outputf) -- ++(0.2, 0)node[below]{$\bm{\tau}$} |- ($(plant.north)+(0, 0.2)$) -| (Kiff.north);
+ \draw[->] (outputx) -- ++(0.6, 0)node[above]{$\bm{\mathcal{X}}$} |- ($(plant.south)+(0, -0.4)$) -| (pos_error.south);
+ \draw[->] (pos_error.east) -- node[midway, above]{$\bm{\epsilon}_{\mathcal{X}}$} (J.west);
+ \draw[->] (J.east) -- node[midway, above]{$\bm{\epsilon}_{\mathcal{L}}$} (Kl.west);
+ \draw[->] (Kl.east) -- node[near start, above]{$\bm{u}^\prime$} (addu.west);
+ \draw[->] (addu.east) -- node[midway, above]{$\bm{u}$} (plant.west);
+ \draw[->] (Kiff.south) -- (addu.north);
+ \draw[<-] (pos_error.west) -- node[midway, above]{$\bm{r}$} ++(-0.6, 0);
+ % Damped plant
+ \begin{scope}[on background layer]
+ \node[fit={(plant.south-|Kiff.west) ($(plant.north east)+(0.2cm,0.2cm)$)}, fill=black!10!white, draw, dashed, inner sep=0.2cm] (damped_plant) {};
+ \node[above right, align=left] at (damped_plant.south west) {\small Damped\\Plant};
+ \end{scope}
+* Mass Spring Damper Model
+#+begin_src latex :file mass_spring_damper_hac_lac.pdf
+ % ====================
+ % Parameters
+ % ====================
+ \def\bracs{0.05} % Brace spacing vertically
+ \def\brach{-12pt} % Brace shift horizontaly
+ % ====================
+ % ====================
+ % Ground
+ % ====================
+ \draw (-0.9, 0) -- (0.9, 0);
+ \draw[dashed] (0.9, 0) -- ++(0.5, 0);
+ \draw[->] (1.3, 0) -- ++(0, 0.4) node[right]{$w$};
+ % ====================
+ % ====================
+ % Granite
+ \begin{scope}[shift={(0, 0)}]
+ \draw[fill=white] (-0.9, 1.2) rectangle (0.9, 2.0) node[pos=0.5]{$\scriptstyle\text{granite}$};
+ \draw[spring] (-0.7, 0) -- ++(0, 1.2);
+ \draw[damper] ( 0, 0) -- ++(0, 1.2);
+ \draw[dashed] ( 0.9, 2.0) -- ++(2.0, 0) coordinate(xg);
+ % \draw[decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt}, xshift=\brach] %
+ % (-0.9, \bracs) -- ++(0, 2.0) node[midway,rotate=90,anchor=south,yshift=10pt]{Granite};
+ \end{scope}
+ % ====================
+ % ====================
+ % Stages
+ \begin{scope}[shift={(0, 2.0)}]
+ \draw[fill=white] (-0.9, 1.2) rectangle (0.9, 2.0) node[pos=0.5]{$\scriptstyle\mu\text{-station}$};
+ \draw[spring] (-0.7, 0) -- ++(0, 1.2);
+ \draw[damper] ( 0, 0) -- ++(0, 1.2);
+ \draw[actuator] ( 0.7, 0) -- ++(0, 1.2) node[midway, right=0.1](ft){$f_t$};
+ % \draw[decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt}, xshift=\brach] %
+ % (-0.9, \bracs) -- ++(0, 2.0) node[midway,rotate=90,anchor=south,yshift=10pt]{$\mu\text{-station}$};
+ \end{scope}
+ % ====================
+ % ====================
+ % NASS
+ \begin{scope}[shift={(0, 4.0)}]
+ \draw[fill=white] (-0.9, 1.5) rectangle (0.9, 2.3) node[pos=0.5]{$\scriptstyle\nu\text{-hexapod}$};
+ \draw[dashed] (0.9, 2.3) -- ++(2.0, 0) coordinate(xnpos);
+ \draw[spring] (-0.7, 0) -- ++(0, 1.2) node[midway, left=0.1]{};
+ \draw[damper] ( 0, 0) -- ++(0, 1.2) node[midway, left=0.2]{};
+ \draw[actuator] ( 0.7, 0) -- ++(0, 1.2) coordinate[midway, below right=0.2 and 0.1](f);
+ \node[forcesensor={1.8}{0.3}] (fsensn) at (0, 1.2){};
+ % \draw[decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=8pt}, xshift=\brach] %
+ % (-0.9, \bracs) -- ++(0, 2.2) node[midway,rotate=90,anchor=south,yshift=10pt]{$\nu\text{-hexapod}$};
+ \end{scope}
+ % ====================
+ % ====================
+ % Measured Displacement
+ \draw[<->, dashed] ($(xg)+(-0.1, 0)$) node[above left](d){$d$} -- ($(xnpos)+(-0.1, 0)$);
+ % ====================
+ % ====================
+ % IFF Control
+ \node[block={2em}{1.5em}, right=0.6 of fsensn] (iff) {$K_{\scriptscriptstyle IFF}$};
+ \node[addb] (ctrladd) at (f-|iff) {};
+ \node[block={2em}{1.5em}, below=0.6 of ctrladd] (ctrl) {$K_{X}$};
+ \draw[->] (fsensn.east) -- node[midway, above]{$\tau_m$} (iff.west);
+ \draw[->] (iff.south) -- (ctrladd.north);
+ \draw[->] (ctrladd.west) -- (f.east) node[above right]{$u$};
+ \draw[->] (d.west) -| (ctrl.south);
+ \draw[->] (ctrl.north) -- (ctrladd.south);
+ % ====================