function [H1, H2] = generateCF(W1, W2, args) % createWeight - % % Syntax: [H1, H2] = generateCF(W1, W2, args) % % Inputs: % - W1 - Weighting Function for H1 % - W2 - Weighting Function for H2 % - args: % - method - H-Infinity solver ('lmi' or 'ric') % - display - Display synthesis results ('on' or 'off') % % Outputs: % - H1 - Generated H1 Filter % - H2 - Generated H2 Filter %% Argument validation arguments W1 W2 args.method char {mustBeMember(args.method,{'lmi', 'ric'})} = 'ric' args.display char {mustBeMember(args.display,{'on', 'off'})} = 'on' end %% The generalized plant is defined P = [W1 -W1; 0 W2; 1 0]; %% The standard H-infinity synthesis is performed [H2, ~, gamma, ~] = hinfsyn(P, 1, 1,'TOLGAM', 0.001, 'METHOD', args.method, 'DISPLAY', args.display); %% H1 is defined as the complementary of H2 H1 = 1 - H2;