diff --git a/tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform.png b/tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform.png deleted file mode 100644 index 1ebc54e..0000000 Binary files a/tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tikz/figs/system.pdf b/tikz/figs/system.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d7ea8a Binary files /dev/null and b/tikz/figs/system.pdf differ diff --git a/tikz/figs/system.png b/tikz/figs/system.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d10f15b Binary files /dev/null and b/tikz/figs/system.png differ diff --git a/tikz/figs/system.svg b/tikz/figs/system.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1edf31 Binary files /dev/null and b/tikz/figs/system.svg differ diff --git a/tikz/figs/system_dvf.pdf b/tikz/figs/system_dvf.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0dc52e Binary files /dev/null and b/tikz/figs/system_dvf.pdf differ diff --git a/tikz/figs/system_dvf.png b/tikz/figs/system_dvf.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f5230c Binary files /dev/null and b/tikz/figs/system_dvf.png differ diff --git a/tikz/figs/system_dvf.svg b/tikz/figs/system_dvf.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9826de5 Binary files /dev/null and b/tikz/figs/system_dvf.svg differ diff --git a/tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform.pdf b/tikz/figs/system_force_sensors.pdf similarity index 84% rename from tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform.pdf rename to tikz/figs/system_force_sensors.pdf index ac2719e..6383267 100644 Binary files a/tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform.pdf and b/tikz/figs/system_force_sensors.pdf differ diff --git a/tikz/figs/system_force_sensors.png b/tikz/figs/system_force_sensors.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fff3896 Binary files /dev/null and b/tikz/figs/system_force_sensors.png differ diff --git a/tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform.svg b/tikz/figs/system_force_sensors.svg similarity index 93% rename from tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform.svg rename to tikz/figs/system_force_sensors.svg index c632df0..06205c3 100644 Binary files a/tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform.svg and b/tikz/figs/system_force_sensors.svg differ diff --git a/tikz/figs/system_iff.pdf b/tikz/figs/system_iff.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73e6e08 Binary files /dev/null and b/tikz/figs/system_iff.pdf differ diff --git a/tikz/figs/system_iff.png b/tikz/figs/system_iff.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2173215 Binary files /dev/null and b/tikz/figs/system_iff.png differ diff --git a/tikz/figs/system_iff.svg b/tikz/figs/system_iff.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..226df4f Binary files /dev/null and b/tikz/figs/system_iff.svg differ diff --git a/tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform_springs.pdf b/tikz/figs/system_parallel_springs.pdf similarity index 99% rename from tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform_springs.pdf rename to tikz/figs/system_parallel_springs.pdf index 9d3db14..3d75b61 100644 Binary files a/tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform_springs.pdf and b/tikz/figs/system_parallel_springs.pdf differ diff --git a/tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform_springs.png b/tikz/figs/system_parallel_springs.png similarity index 100% rename from tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform_springs.png rename to tikz/figs/system_parallel_springs.png diff --git a/tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform_springs.svg b/tikz/figs/system_parallel_springs.svg similarity index 100% rename from tikz/figs/rotating_xy_platform_springs.svg rename to tikz/figs/system_parallel_springs.svg diff --git a/tikz/index.html b/tikz/index.html index a38133d..ff6fa2d 100644 --- a/tikz/index.html +++ b/tikz/index.html @@ -1,229 +1,19 @@ - - + - Tikz Figures - - + -
@@ -232,14 +22,432 @@ HOME

Tikz Figures

- +

Table of Contents

+ +

Configuration file is accessible here.

+ +

1 X-Y Rotating Positioning Platform

+  % Angle
+  \def\thetau{25}
+  % Rotational Stage
+  \draw[fill=black!60!white] (0, 0) circle (4.3);
+  \draw[fill=black!40!white] (0, 0) circle (3.8);
+  % Label
+  \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.5, 2.5) {\small Rotating Stage};
+  % Rotating Scope
+  \begin{scope}[rotate=\thetau]
+    % Rotating Frame
+    \draw[fill=black!20!white] (-2.6, -2.6) rectangle (2.6, 2.6);
+    % Label
+    \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.6, 2.6) {\small X-Y Stage};
+    % Mass
+    \draw[fill=white] (-1, -1) rectangle (1, 1);
+    % Label
+    \node[anchor=south west, rotate=\thetau] at (-1, -1) {\small Payload};
+    % Attached Points
+    \node[] at (-1, 0){$\bullet$};
+    \draw[] (-1, 0) -- ++(-0.2, 0) coordinate(cu);
+    \draw[] ($(cu) + (0, -0.8)$) coordinate(actu) -- ($(cu) + (0, 0.8)$) coordinate(ku);
+    \node[] at (0, -1){$\bullet$};
+    \draw[] (0, -1) -- ++(0, -0.2) coordinate(cv);
+    \draw[] ($(cv) + (-0.8, 0)$)coordinate(kv) -- ($(cv) + (0.8, 0)$) coordinate(actv);
+    % Spring and Actuator for U
+    \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actu) -- node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$F_u$} (actu-|-2.6,0);
+    \draw[spring=0.2] (ku) -- node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (ku-|-2.6,0);
+    \draw[damper={8}{8}] (cu) -- node[above left=0.2 and -0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$c$} (cu-|-2.6,0);
+    \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actv) -- node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$F_v$} (actv|-0,-2.6);
+    \draw[spring=0.2] (kv) -- node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (kv|-0,-2.6);
+    \draw[damper={8}{8}] (cv) -- node[left=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$c$} (cv|-0,-2.6);
+    % % Displacement measurement
+    % \draw[<->, dashed] (-2.6, -0.8) --node[midway, below, rotate=\thetau]{$d_u$} (-1  , -0.8);
+    % \draw[<->, dashed] ( 0.8, -2.6) --node[midway, right, rotate=\thetau]{$d_v$} ( 0.8, -1);
+  \end{scope}
+  % Inertial Frame
+  \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(2, 0) node[below]{$\vec{i}_x$};
+  \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(0, 2) node[left]{$\vec{i}_y$};
+  \draw[fill, color=black] (-4, -4) circle (0.06);
+  \node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=0.3cm, label=left:$\vec{i}_z$] at (-4, -4){};
+  \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau:2) node[above, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_u$};
+  \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau+90:2) node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_v$};
+  \draw[dashed] (0, 0) -- ++(2, 0);
+  \draw[] (1.5, 0) arc (0:\thetau:1.5) node[midway, right]{$\theta$};
+  \node[] at (0,0) {$\bullet$};
+  \node[left] at (0,0) {$(x, y)$};
+  \draw[->] (3.5, 0) arc (0:40:3.5) node[midway, left]{$\Omega$};
+ + +

system.png +

+ +

2 X-Y Rotating Positioning Platform with Force Sensors

+  % Angle
+  \def\thetau{25}
+  % Rotational Stage
+  \draw[fill=black!60!white] (0, 0) circle (4.3);
+  \draw[fill=black!40!white] (0, 0) circle (3.8);
+  % Label
+  \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.5, 2.5) {\small Rotating Stage};
+  % Rotating Scope
+  \begin{scope}[rotate=\thetau]
+    % Rotating Frame
+    \draw[fill=black!20!white] (-2.6, -2.6) rectangle (2.6, 2.6);
+    % Label
+    \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.6, 2.6) {\small X-Y Stage};
+    % Mass
+    \draw[fill=white] (-1, -1) rectangle (1, 1);
+    % Label
+    \node[anchor=south west, rotate=\thetau] at (-1, -1) {\small Payload};
+    % Attached Points
+    \node[] at (-1, 0){$\bullet$};
+    \draw[] (-1, 0) -- ++(-0.2, 0) coordinate(au);
+    \node[] at (0, -1){$\bullet$};
+    \draw[] (0, -1) -- ++(0, -0.2) coordinate(av);
+    % Force Sensors
+    \draw[fill=white] ($(au) + (-0.2, -0.5)$) rectangle ($(au) + (0, 0.5)$);
+    \draw[] ($(au) + (-0.2, -0.5)$)coordinate(actu) -- ($(au) + (0,  0.5)$);
+    \draw[] ($(au) + (-0.2,  0.5)$)coordinate(ku) node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$f_{u}$}   -- ($(au) + (0, -0.5)$);
+    \draw[fill=white] ($(av) + (-0.5, -0.2)$) rectangle ($(av) + (0.5, 0)$);
+    \draw[] ($(av) + ( 0.5, -0.2)$)coordinate(actv)   -- ($(av) + (-0.5,  0)$);
+    \draw[] ($(av) + (-0.5, -0.2)$)coordinate(kv) node[left=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$f_{v}$} -- ($(av) + ( 0.5,  0)$);
+    % Spring and Actuator for U
+    \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actu) -- node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$F_u$} (actu-|-2.6,0);
+    \draw[spring=0.2] (ku) -- node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (ku-|-2.6,0);
+    \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actv) -- node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$F_v$} (actv|-0,-2.6);
+    \draw[spring=0.2] (kv) -- node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (kv|-0,-2.6);
+  \end{scope}
+  % Inertial Frame
+  \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(2, 0) node[below]{$\vec{i}_x$};
+  \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(0, 2) node[left]{$\vec{i}_y$};
+  \draw[fill, color=black] (-4, -4) circle (0.06);
+  \node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=0.3cm, label=left:$\vec{i}_z$] at (-4, -4){};
+  \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau:2) node[above, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_u$};
+  \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau+90:2) node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_v$};
+  \draw[dashed] (0, 0) -- ++(2, 0);
+  \draw[] (1.5, 0) arc (0:\thetau:1.5) node[midway, right]{$\theta$};
+  \node[] at (0,0) {$\bullet$};
+  \node[left] at (0,0) {$(x, y)$};
+  \draw[->] (3.5, 0) arc (0:40:3.5) node[midway, left]{$\Omega$};
+ + +

system_force_sensors.png +

+ +

3 Decentralized Integral Force Feedback

+  % Angle
+  \def\thetau{25}
+  % Rotational Stage
+  \draw[fill=black!60!white] (0, 0) circle (4.3);
+  \draw[fill=black!40!white] (0, 0) circle (3.8);
+  % Label
+  \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.5, 2.5) {\small Rotating Stage};
+  % Rotating Scope
+  \begin{scope}[rotate=\thetau]
+    % Rotating Frame
+    \draw[fill=black!20!white] (-2.6, -2.6) rectangle (2.6, 2.6);
+    % Label
+    \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.6, 2.6) {\small X-Y Stage};
+    % Mass
+    \draw[fill=white] (-1, -1) rectangle (1, 1);
+    % Label
+    \node[anchor=south west, rotate=\thetau] at (-1, -1) {\small Payload};
+    % Attached Points
+    \node[] at (-1, 0){$\bullet$};
+    \draw[] (-1, 0) -- ++(-0.2, 0) coordinate(au);
+    \node[] at (0, -1){$\bullet$};
+    \draw[] (0, -1) -- ++(0, -0.2) coordinate(av);
+    % Force Sensors
+    \draw[fill=white] ($(au) + (-0.2, -0.5)$) rectangle ($(au) + (0, 0.5)$);
+    \draw[] ($(au) + (-0.2, -0.5)$)coordinate(actu) -- ($(au) + (0,  0.5)$);
+    \draw[] ($(au) + (-0.2,  0.5)$)coordinate(ku) node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$f_{u}$}   -- ($(au) + (0, -0.5)$);
+    \node[above, rotate=\thetau] at ($(av) + (-0.1, 0.5)$) {$f_{u}$};
+    \draw[fill=white] ($(av) + (-0.5, -0.2)$) rectangle ($(av) + (0.5, 0)$);
+    \draw[] ($(av) + ( 0.5, -0.2)$)coordinate(actv)   -- ($(av) + (-0.5,  0)$);
+    \draw[] ($(av) + (-0.5, -0.2)$)coordinate(kv) -- ($(av) + ( 0.5,  0)$);
+    \node[left, rotate=\thetau] at ($(av) + (-0.5, -0.1)$) {$f_{v}$};
+    % Spring and Actuator for U
+    \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actu) -- coordinate[midway](actumid) (actu-|-2.6,0);
+    \draw[spring=0.2] (ku) -- node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (ku-|-2.6,0);
+    % \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actv) -- node[right, rotate=\thetau]{$F_v$} (actv|-0,-2.6);
+    \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actv) -- coordinate[midway](actvmid) (actv|-0,-2.6);
+    \draw[spring=0.2] (kv) -- node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (kv|-0,-2.6);
+    \node[block={0.8cm}{0.6cm}, rotate=\thetau] (Ku) at ($(actumid) + (0, -1.2)$) {$K_{F}$};
+    \draw[->] ($(au) + (-0.1, -0.5)$) |- (Ku.east);
+    \draw[->] (Ku.north) -- ($(actumid) + (0, -0.1)$) node[below left, rotate=\thetau]{$F_u$};
+    \node[block={0.8cm}{0.6cm}, rotate=\thetau] (Kv) at ($(actvmid) + (1.2, 0)$) {$K_{F}$};
+    \draw[->] ($(av) + (0.5, -0.1)$) -| (Kv.north);
+    \draw[->] (Kv.west) -- ($(actvmid) + (0.1, 0)$) node[below right, rotate=\thetau]{$F_v$};
+  \end{scope}
+  % Inertial Frame
+  \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(2, 0) node[below]{$\vec{i}_x$};
+  \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(0, 2) node[left]{$\vec{i}_y$};
+  \draw[fill, color=black] (-4, -4) circle (0.06);
+  \node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=0.3cm, label=left:$\vec{i}_z$] at (-4, -4){};
+  \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau:2) node[above, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_u$};
+  \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau+90:2) node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_v$};
+  \draw[dashed] (0, 0) -- ++(2, 0);
+  \draw[] (1.5, 0) arc (0:\thetau:1.5) node[midway, right]{$\theta$};
+  \node[] at (0,0) {$\bullet$};
+  \node[left] at (0,0) {$(x, y)$};
+  \draw[->] (3.5, 0) arc (0:40:3.5) node[midway, left]{$\Omega$};
+ + +

system_iff.png +

+ +

4 Decentralized Direct Velocity Feedback

+  % Angle
+  \def\thetau{25}
+  % Rotational Stage
+  \draw[fill=black!60!white] (0, 0) circle (4.3);
+  \draw[fill=black!40!white] (0, 0) circle (3.8);
+  % Label
+  \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.5, 2.5) {\small Rotating Stage};
+  % Rotating Scope
+  \begin{scope}[rotate=\thetau]
+    % Rotating Frame
+    \draw[fill=black!20!white] (-2.6, -2.6) rectangle (2.6, 2.6);
+    % Label
+    \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.6, 2.6) {\small X-Y Stage};
+    % Mass
+    \draw[fill=white] (-1, -1) rectangle (1, 1);
+    % Label
+    \node[anchor=south west, rotate=\thetau] at (-1, -1) {\small Payload};
+    % Attached Points
+    \node[] at (-1, 0){$\bullet$};
+    \draw[] (-1, 0) -- ++(-0.2, 0) coordinate(au);
+    \node[] at (0, -1){$\bullet$};
+    \draw[] (0, -1) -- ++(0, -0.2) coordinate(av);
+    % Attached Points
+    \node[] at (-1, 0){$\bullet$};
+    \draw[] (-1, 0) -- ++(-0.2, 0) coordinate(cu);
+    \draw[] ($(cu) + (0, -0.5)$) coordinate(actu) -- ($(cu) + (0, 0.5)$) coordinate(ku);
+    \node[] at (0, -1){$\bullet$};
+    \draw[] (0, -1) -- ++(0, -0.2) coordinate(cv);
+    \draw[] ($(cv) + (-0.5, 0)$)coordinate(kv) -- ($(cv) + (0.5, 0)$) coordinate(actv);
+    % Spring and Actuator for U
+    \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actu) -- coordinate[midway](actumid) (actu-|-2.6,0);
+    \draw[spring=0.2] (ku) -- node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (ku-|-2.6,0);
+    \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actv) -- coordinate[midway](actvmid) (actv|-0,-2.6);
+    \draw[spring=0.2] (kv) -- node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (kv|-0,-2.6);
+    % Displacement measurement
+    \draw[<->, dashed] (-2.6, -0.8) -- (-1  , -0.8) coordinate(dutop);
+    \draw[<->, dashed] ( 0.8, -2.6) -- ( 0.8, -1) coordinate(dvtop);
+    % Controllers
+    \node[block={0.6cm}{0.6cm}, rotate=\thetau] (Ku) at ($(actumid) + (0, -1.2)$) {$K_{V}$};
+    \draw[->] ($(dutop) + (-0.1, 0)$) node[below left, rotate=\thetau]{$v_u$} |- (Ku.east);
+    \draw[->] (Ku.north) -- ($(actumid) + (0, -0.1)$);
+    \node[block={0.6cm}{0.6cm}, rotate=\thetau] (Kv) at ($(actvmid) + (1.2, 0)$) {$K_{V}$};
+    \draw[->] ($(dvtop) + (0, -0.1)$) node[below right, rotate=\thetau]{$v_v$} -| (Kv.north);
+    \draw[->] (Kv.west) -- ($(actvmid) + (0.1, 0)$);
+    \node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau] at (actumid) {$F_u$};
+    \node[left=0.1, rotate=\thetau] at (actvmid) {$F_v$};
+  \end{scope}
+  % Inertial Frame
+  \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(2, 0) node[below]{$\vec{i}_x$};
+  \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(0, 2) node[left]{$\vec{i}_y$};
+  \draw[fill, color=black] (-4, -4) circle (0.06);
+  \node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=0.3cm, label=left:$\vec{i}_z$] at (-4, -4){};
+  \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau:2) node[above, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_u$};
+  \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau+90:2) node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_v$};
+  \draw[dashed] (0, 0) -- ++(2, 0);
+  \draw[] (1.5, 0) arc (0:\thetau:1.5) node[midway, right]{$\theta$};
+  \node[] at (0,0) {$\bullet$};
+  \node[left] at (0,0) {$(x, y)$};
+  \draw[->] (3.5, 0) arc (0:40:3.5) node[midway, left]{$\Omega$};
+ + +

system_dvf.png +

+ +

5 Springs in parallel

+  % Angle
+  \def\thetau{25}
+  % Rotational Stage
+  \draw[fill=black!60!white] (0, 0) circle (4.3);
+  \draw[fill=black!40!white] (0, 0) circle (3.8);
+  % Label
+  \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.5, 2.5) {\small Rotating Stage};
+  % Rotating Scope
+  \begin{scope}[rotate=\thetau]
+    % Rotating Frame
+    \draw[fill=black!20!white] (-2.6, -2.6) rectangle (2.6, 2.6);
+    % Label
+    \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.6, 2.6) {\small X-Y Stage};
+    % Mass
+    \draw[fill=white] (-1, -1) rectangle (1, 1);
+    % Label
+    \node[anchor=south west, rotate=\thetau] at (-1, -1) {\small Payload};
+    % Attached Points
+    \draw[] (-1, 0) -- ++(-0.2, 0) coordinate(au);
+    \draw[] (0, -1) -- ++(0, -0.2) coordinate(av);
+    % Force Sensors
+    \draw[fill=white] ($(au) + (-0.2, -0.5)$) rectangle ($(au) + (0, 0.5)$);
+    \draw[] ($(au) + (-0.2, -0.5)$)coordinate(actu) -- ($(au) + (0,  0.5)$);
+    \draw[] ($(au) + (-0.2,  0.5)$)coordinate(ku)   -- ($(au) + (0, -0.5)$);
+    \node[below=0.1, rotate=\thetau] at ($(au) + (-0.1, -0.5)$) {$f_{u}$}
+    \draw[fill=white] ($(av) + (-0.5, -0.2)$) rectangle ($(av) + (0.5, 0)$);
+    \draw[] ($(av) + ( 0.5, -0.2)$)coordinate(actv) -- ($(av) + (-0.5,  0)$);
+    \draw[] ($(av) + (-0.5, -0.2)$)coordinate(kv)   -- ($(av) + ( 0.5,  0)$) ;
+    \node[right=0.1, rotate=\thetau] at ($(av) + (0.5, -0.1)$) {$f_{v}$}
+    % Spring and Actuator for U
+    \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actu) -- node[below=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$F_u$} (actu-|-2.6,0);
+    \draw[spring=0.2] (ku) -- node[below=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (ku-|-2.6,0);
+    \draw[spring=0.2] (-1, 0.8) -- node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$k_{p}$} (-1, 0.8-|-2.6,0);
+    \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actv) -- node[right=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$F_v$} (actv|-0,-2.6);
+    \draw[spring=0.2] (kv) -- node[right=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (kv|-0,-2.6);
+    \draw[spring=0.2] (-0.8, -1) -- node[left=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$k_{p}$} (-0.8, -1|-0,-2.6);
+  \end{scope}
+  % Inertial Frame
+  \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(2, 0) node[below]{$\vec{i}_x$};
+  \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(0, 2) node[left]{$\vec{i}_y$};
+  \draw[fill, color=black] (-4, -4) circle (0.06);
+  \node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=0.3cm, label=left:$\vec{i}_z$] at (-4, -4){};
+  \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau:2) node[above, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_u$};
+  \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau+90:2) node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_v$};
+  \draw[dashed] (0, 0) -- ++(2, 0);
+  \draw[] (1.5, 0) arc (0:\thetau:1.5) node[midway, right]{$\theta$};
+  \node[] at (0,0) {$\bullet$};
+  \node[left] at (0,0) {$(x, y)$};
+  \draw[->] (3.5, 0) arc (0:40:3.5) node[midway, left]{$\Omega$};
+ + +

system_parallel_springs.png +


Author: Dehaeze Thomas


Created: 2020-03-16 lun. 10:52


Author: Thomas Dehaeze


Created: 2020-06-22 lun. 14:45

diff --git a/tikz/index.org b/tikz/index.org index c614439..e4e7072 100644 --- a/tikz/index.org +++ b/tikz/index.org @@ -26,7 +26,74 @@ Configuration file is accessible [[file:config.org][here]]. * X-Y Rotating Positioning Platform -#+begin_src latex :file rotating_xy_platform.pdf +#+begin_src latex :file system.pdf + \begin{tikzpicture} + % Angle + \def\thetau{25} + + % Rotational Stage + \draw[fill=black!60!white] (0, 0) circle (4.3); + \draw[fill=black!40!white] (0, 0) circle (3.8); + + % Label + \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.5, 2.5) {\small Rotating Stage}; + + % Rotating Scope + \begin{scope}[rotate=\thetau] + % Rotating Frame + \draw[fill=black!20!white] (-2.6, -2.6) rectangle (2.6, 2.6); + % Label + \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.6, 2.6) {\small X-Y Stage}; + + % Mass + \draw[fill=white] (-1, -1) rectangle (1, 1); + % Label + \node[anchor=south west, rotate=\thetau] at (-1, -1) {\small Payload}; + + % Attached Points + \node[] at (-1, 0){$\bullet$}; + \draw[] (-1, 0) -- ++(-0.2, 0) coordinate(cu); + \draw[] ($(cu) + (0, -0.8)$) coordinate(actu) -- ($(cu) + (0, 0.8)$) coordinate(ku); + \node[] at (0, -1){$\bullet$}; + \draw[] (0, -1) -- ++(0, -0.2) coordinate(cv); + \draw[] ($(cv) + (-0.8, 0)$)coordinate(kv) -- ($(cv) + (0.8, 0)$) coordinate(actv); + + % Spring and Actuator for U + \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actu) -- node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$F_u$} (actu-|-2.6,0); + \draw[spring=0.2] (ku) -- node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (ku-|-2.6,0); + \draw[damper={8}{8}] (cu) -- node[above left=0.2 and -0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$c$} (cu-|-2.6,0); + + \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actv) -- node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$F_v$} (actv|-0,-2.6); + \draw[spring=0.2] (kv) -- node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (kv|-0,-2.6); + \draw[damper={8}{8}] (cv) -- node[left=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$c$} (cv|-0,-2.6); + + % % Displacement measurement + % \draw[<->, dashed] (-2.6, -0.8) --node[midway, below, rotate=\thetau]{$d_u$} (-1 , -0.8); + % \draw[<->, dashed] ( 0.8, -2.6) --node[midway, right, rotate=\thetau]{$d_v$} ( 0.8, -1); + \end{scope} + + % Inertial Frame + \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(2, 0) node[below]{$\vec{i}_x$}; + \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(0, 2) node[left]{$\vec{i}_y$}; + \draw[fill, color=black] (-4, -4) circle (0.06); + \node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=0.3cm, label=left:$\vec{i}_z$] at (-4, -4){}; + + \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau:2) node[above, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_u$}; + \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau+90:2) node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_v$}; + \draw[dashed] (0, 0) -- ++(2, 0); + \draw[] (1.5, 0) arc (0:\thetau:1.5) node[midway, right]{$\theta$}; + \node[] at (0,0) {$\bullet$}; + \node[left] at (0,0) {$(x, y)$}; + + \draw[->] (3.5, 0) arc (0:40:3.5) node[midway, left]{$\Omega$}; + \end{tikzpicture} +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +[[file:figs/system.png]] + +* X-Y Rotating Positioning Platform with Force Sensors +#+begin_src latex :file system_force_sensors.pdf \begin{tikzpicture} % Angle \def\thetau{25} @@ -71,10 +138,6 @@ Configuration file is accessible [[file:config.org][here]]. \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actv) -- node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$F_v$} (actv|-0,-2.6); \draw[spring=0.2] (kv) -- node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (kv|-0,-2.6); - - % Displacement measurement - \draw[<->, dashed] (-2.6, -0.8) --node[midway, below, rotate=\thetau]{$d_u$} (-1 , -0.8); - \draw[<->, dashed] ( 0.8, -2.6) --node[midway, right, rotate=\thetau]{$d_v$} ( 0.8, -1); \end{scope} % Inertial Frame @@ -95,10 +158,172 @@ Configuration file is accessible [[file:config.org][here]]. #+end_src #+RESULTS: -[[file:figs/rotating_xy_platform.png]] +[[file:figs/system_force_sensors.png]] -* X-Y Rotating Positioning Platform with Springs in parallel -#+begin_src latex :file rotating_xy_platform_springs.pdf +* Decentralized Integral Force Feedback +#+begin_src latex :file system_iff.pdf + \begin{tikzpicture} + % Angle + \def\thetau{25} + + % Rotational Stage + \draw[fill=black!60!white] (0, 0) circle (4.3); + \draw[fill=black!40!white] (0, 0) circle (3.8); + + % Label + \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.5, 2.5) {\small Rotating Stage}; + + % Rotating Scope + \begin{scope}[rotate=\thetau] + % Rotating Frame + \draw[fill=black!20!white] (-2.6, -2.6) rectangle (2.6, 2.6); + % Label + \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.6, 2.6) {\small X-Y Stage}; + + % Mass + \draw[fill=white] (-1, -1) rectangle (1, 1); + % Label + \node[anchor=south west, rotate=\thetau] at (-1, -1) {\small Payload}; + + % Attached Points + \node[] at (-1, 0){$\bullet$}; + \draw[] (-1, 0) -- ++(-0.2, 0) coordinate(au); + \node[] at (0, -1){$\bullet$}; + \draw[] (0, -1) -- ++(0, -0.2) coordinate(av); + + % Force Sensors + \draw[fill=white] ($(au) + (-0.2, -0.5)$) rectangle ($(au) + (0, 0.5)$); + \draw[] ($(au) + (-0.2, -0.5)$)coordinate(actu) -- ($(au) + (0, 0.5)$); + \draw[] ($(au) + (-0.2, 0.5)$)coordinate(ku) node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$f_{u}$} -- ($(au) + (0, -0.5)$); + \node[above, rotate=\thetau] at ($(av) + (-0.1, 0.5)$) {$f_{u}$}; + + \draw[fill=white] ($(av) + (-0.5, -0.2)$) rectangle ($(av) + (0.5, 0)$); + \draw[] ($(av) + ( 0.5, -0.2)$)coordinate(actv) -- ($(av) + (-0.5, 0)$); + \draw[] ($(av) + (-0.5, -0.2)$)coordinate(kv) -- ($(av) + ( 0.5, 0)$); + \node[left, rotate=\thetau] at ($(av) + (-0.5, -0.1)$) {$f_{v}$}; + + % Spring and Actuator for U + \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actu) -- coordinate[midway](actumid) (actu-|-2.6,0); + \draw[spring=0.2] (ku) -- node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (ku-|-2.6,0); + + % \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actv) -- node[right, rotate=\thetau]{$F_v$} (actv|-0,-2.6); + \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actv) -- coordinate[midway](actvmid) (actv|-0,-2.6); + \draw[spring=0.2] (kv) -- node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (kv|-0,-2.6); + + \node[block={0.8cm}{0.6cm}, rotate=\thetau] (Ku) at ($(actumid) + (0, -1.2)$) {$K_{F}$}; + \draw[->] ($(au) + (-0.1, -0.5)$) |- (Ku.east); + \draw[->] (Ku.north) -- ($(actumid) + (0, -0.1)$) node[below left, rotate=\thetau]{$F_u$}; + + \node[block={0.8cm}{0.6cm}, rotate=\thetau] (Kv) at ($(actvmid) + (1.2, 0)$) {$K_{F}$}; + \draw[->] ($(av) + (0.5, -0.1)$) -| (Kv.north); + \draw[->] (Kv.west) -- ($(actvmid) + (0.1, 0)$) node[below right, rotate=\thetau]{$F_v$}; + \end{scope} + + % Inertial Frame + \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(2, 0) node[below]{$\vec{i}_x$}; + \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(0, 2) node[left]{$\vec{i}_y$}; + \draw[fill, color=black] (-4, -4) circle (0.06); + \node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=0.3cm, label=left:$\vec{i}_z$] at (-4, -4){}; + + \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau:2) node[above, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_u$}; + \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau+90:2) node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_v$}; + \draw[dashed] (0, 0) -- ++(2, 0); + \draw[] (1.5, 0) arc (0:\thetau:1.5) node[midway, right]{$\theta$}; + \node[] at (0,0) {$\bullet$}; + \node[left] at (0,0) {$(x, y)$}; + + \draw[->] (3.5, 0) arc (0:40:3.5) node[midway, left]{$\Omega$}; + \end{tikzpicture} +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +[[file:figs/system_iff.png]] + +* Decentralized Direct Velocity Feedback +#+begin_src latex :file system_dvf.pdf + \begin{tikzpicture} + % Angle + \def\thetau{25} + + % Rotational Stage + \draw[fill=black!60!white] (0, 0) circle (4.3); + \draw[fill=black!40!white] (0, 0) circle (3.8); + + % Label + \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.5, 2.5) {\small Rotating Stage}; + + % Rotating Scope + \begin{scope}[rotate=\thetau] + % Rotating Frame + \draw[fill=black!20!white] (-2.6, -2.6) rectangle (2.6, 2.6); + % Label + \node[anchor=north west, rotate=\thetau] at (-2.6, 2.6) {\small X-Y Stage}; + + % Mass + \draw[fill=white] (-1, -1) rectangle (1, 1); + % Label + \node[anchor=south west, rotate=\thetau] at (-1, -1) {\small Payload}; + + % Attached Points + \node[] at (-1, 0){$\bullet$}; + \draw[] (-1, 0) -- ++(-0.2, 0) coordinate(au); + \node[] at (0, -1){$\bullet$}; + \draw[] (0, -1) -- ++(0, -0.2) coordinate(av); + + % Attached Points + \node[] at (-1, 0){$\bullet$}; + \draw[] (-1, 0) -- ++(-0.2, 0) coordinate(cu); + \draw[] ($(cu) + (0, -0.5)$) coordinate(actu) -- ($(cu) + (0, 0.5)$) coordinate(ku); + \node[] at (0, -1){$\bullet$}; + \draw[] (0, -1) -- ++(0, -0.2) coordinate(cv); + \draw[] ($(cv) + (-0.5, 0)$)coordinate(kv) -- ($(cv) + (0.5, 0)$) coordinate(actv); + + % Spring and Actuator for U + \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actu) -- coordinate[midway](actumid) (actu-|-2.6,0); + \draw[spring=0.2] (ku) -- node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (ku-|-2.6,0); + + \draw[actuator={0.6}{0.2}] (actv) -- coordinate[midway](actvmid) (actv|-0,-2.6); + \draw[spring=0.2] (kv) -- node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$k$} (kv|-0,-2.6); + + % Displacement measurement + \draw[<->, dashed] (-2.6, -0.8) -- (-1 , -0.8) coordinate(dutop); + \draw[<->, dashed] ( 0.8, -2.6) -- ( 0.8, -1) coordinate(dvtop); + + % Controllers + \node[block={0.6cm}{0.6cm}, rotate=\thetau] (Ku) at ($(actumid) + (0, -1.2)$) {$K_{V}$}; + \draw[->] ($(dutop) + (-0.1, 0)$) node[below left, rotate=\thetau]{$v_u$} |- (Ku.east); + \draw[->] (Ku.north) -- ($(actumid) + (0, -0.1)$); + + \node[block={0.6cm}{0.6cm}, rotate=\thetau] (Kv) at ($(actvmid) + (1.2, 0)$) {$K_{V}$}; + \draw[->] ($(dvtop) + (0, -0.1)$) node[below right, rotate=\thetau]{$v_v$} -| (Kv.north); + \draw[->] (Kv.west) -- ($(actvmid) + (0.1, 0)$); + + \node[above=0.1, rotate=\thetau] at (actumid) {$F_u$}; + \node[left=0.1, rotate=\thetau] at (actvmid) {$F_v$}; + \end{scope} + + % Inertial Frame + \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(2, 0) node[below]{$\vec{i}_x$}; + \draw[->] (-4, -4) -- ++(0, 2) node[left]{$\vec{i}_y$}; + \draw[fill, color=black] (-4, -4) circle (0.06); + \node[draw, circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=0.3cm, label=left:$\vec{i}_z$] at (-4, -4){}; + + \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau:2) node[above, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_u$}; + \draw[->] (0, 0) -- ++(\thetau+90:2) node[left, rotate=\thetau]{$\vec{i}_v$}; + \draw[dashed] (0, 0) -- ++(2, 0); + \draw[] (1.5, 0) arc (0:\thetau:1.5) node[midway, right]{$\theta$}; + \node[] at (0,0) {$\bullet$}; + \node[left] at (0,0) {$(x, y)$}; + + \draw[->] (3.5, 0) arc (0:40:3.5) node[midway, left]{$\Omega$}; + \end{tikzpicture} +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +[[file:figs/system_dvf.png]] + +* Springs in parallel +#+begin_src latex :file system_parallel_springs.pdf \begin{tikzpicture} % Angle \def\thetau{25} @@ -165,4 +390,4 @@ Configuration file is accessible [[file:config.org][here]]. #+end_src #+RESULTS: -[[file:figs/rotating_xy_platform_springs.png]] +[[file:figs/system_parallel_springs.png]]