@article{thurner15_fiber_based_distan_sensin_inter, author = {Thurner, Klaus and Quacquarelli, Francesca Paola and Braun, Pierre-Fran{\c{c}}ois and Dal Savio, Claudio and Karrai, Khaled}, title = {Fiber-Based Distance Sensing Interferometry}, journal = {Applied optics}, volume = 54, number = 10, pages = {3051--3063}, year = 2015, publisher = {Optical Society of America} } @unpublished{ducourtieux18_towar_high_precis_posit_contr, author = {Sebastien Ducourtieux}, doi = {10.13140/rg.2.2.21044.35205}, keywords = {metrology}, note = {MEDSI 2018}, title = {Toward High Precision Position Control Using Laser Interferometry: Main Sources of Error}, url = {https://doi.org/10.13140/rg.2.2.21044.35205}, year = 2018 }